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Matthew 28:19-20

     “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son And of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Before this trip, every Sunday I would sit at my pew in church reading the words “Therefore Go” that was printed out on the front of the church bulletin. I would sit and wonder what is my ”Go”, where is my calling?

Today I washed a ton of dishes, swept lots of floors, walked for miles, I have been  putting spices in boxes, sweating, scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush, and living with 11 girls in a tiny apartment with only one bathroom. And sometimes I have to ask myself, “is this apart of my ministry or just busy work?” “Is this really what my Therefore Go looks like?” But then I take a step back and I see a smile of a woman or I am given a hug from a little girl, and I hear God say “Yes, this is your Therefore Go”. And then He also says, “Emilee, I know you are tired, sweating, and probably smell, but what you are doing is not for yourself, it’s to show that even though your physical body is tired, your spiritual body will never stop because you have a God inside of you who loves to give and who is always with you.”

Even though scrubbing the floor has been super fun (haha) that is only a part of the ministry we have been pouring out in Colombia. We have been given the chance to work with children, young adults, women, the church, and the homeless. 
In those moments when I feel like I can’t give anymore I remember what I am giving for. It’s not to please myself or to show others what I can do. Everyday I wake up unprepared for what the day will look like but I let God guide my steps. For He is the reason I am able to give when my mind and body is tired.

Psalms 119:105

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”

The love Ciudad Refugio gives is beautiful and you can truly feel the presence of God in this place. (Ciudad Refugio is your ministry building where we have been serving.) On Sunday and Wednesday nights we worship and I have no idea what the words are (because it is all in Spanish) but I still feel called to worship because I can feel the Lord there with us. The Lord had been with us so much!!! It’s SO EXCITING! Whether I am walking the streets of Medellin or playing hacky sack in a park, God shows up in every little detail of our day. The Lord has truly placed a hand over us for the past 3 weeks and I am excited to see what else He guides us into.

One sabbath day we went for a hike. (In Medellin when you say you are going for a hike it means climbing a mountain, not a hill.) We had a doggie friend join us at the beginning of our trip. He lead the way up the mountain and followed behind on the way back down. Once we got to the end of our trail our friend went back into his house. This dog did not belong to any of the people with us on this trip, he just happened to join us. Jason, who was our guide, said, “The dog was an angel from heaven that was sent from God to protect us on our trip”. We all made it back home safely that day. 

(Also fun fact dog spelled backwards is God) 

Here I am Lord, Send Me!

Love, Emi

One response to “Therefore Go!”

  1. Emi, This is beautiful….whatever you do, do as unto the Lord and the task will not disappoint. I’m so thankful you’ve found your “GO” in the work of God, and yes, it’s through small and large tasks that you’ve been able to share His love, most likely in ways you’ve never imagined. Praying for you all and each, Rachel

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